Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving..,more symptoms

It's the day after Thanksgiving, and things have taken another turn for the worse.

The cirrhosis is advanced now.

See the following info:

Cirrhosis takes years to develop. During this time, there are usually no symptoms, although fatigue, weakness and decreased appetite may occur and worsen with time. When cirrhosis is fully developed, a number of signs may be present:
  • Fluid retention in the legs and abdomen -- The liver produces a protein, called albumin, that holds fluid in blood vessels. When the blood level of albumen falls, fluid seeps out of the tissues into the legs and abdomen, causing edema (fluid accumulation) and swelling.
  • Jaundice -- The liver produces bile that normally flows into the intestine.  With advanced cirrhosis, bile can back up into the blood, causing the skin and eyes to turn yellow and the urine to darken.
  • Intense Itching -- Certain types of cirrhosis, such as chronic bile duct blockage, can produce troublesome itching.
  • Gallstones -- Cirrhosis causes the abnormal metabolism of bile pigment. Due to this, gallstones develop twice as often in cirrhosis patients as in those without the disorder.
  • Coagulation Defects -- The liver makes certain proteins that help clot blood. When these proteins are deficient, excessive or prolonged bleeding happens.
  • Mental Function Change -- The liver processes toxins from the intestine. When these substances escape into the bloodstream, as occurs in severe cases of cirrhosis, a variety of changes in mental function can develop.
  • Esophageal Vein Bleeding -- In advanced cirrhosis, intestinal blood bypasses the liver and flows up and around the esophagus (the food tube) to the heart. The veins in the esophagus dilate (widen) and may rupture, causing slow or massive intestinal bleeding.

All of the bold items are present, except the esophageal vein bleeding - the veins are dilated but not bleeding...yet. 

His legs and abdomen have been swollen for a couple of weeks now, and he is having more difficulty walking.  This week, he has needed assistance dressing himself, and he has started falling more often.

He has another doctor appointment on Tuesday, hopefully we will know more then.

Funny (not humorous) - this started with the thought he was headed down that long dark corridor of I am beginning to think that was all symptoms of the liver disorder.  Unfortunately, we know more about this and know what his next steps will be.  

Everything I have read about cirrhosis indicates it is a painful, horrible way to go. 

I just don't seem to have anything cool or touching to write.  Looks like a long haul ahead.