Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back on Track

Dear Dad,

The past few days have been another roller coaster ride.  First, I get the call to sign a do not resuscitate order, then you make a "comeback", then you go back to where you were.

I guess we just need to enjoy the good days, even if they are short.

Last night, my wife and I went by to see you.  As we walked in, I did not know what to expect, but my hopes were up, considering the  most recent events where you appeared to be improving.

Unfortunately, you were "back on track."

When we walked in, you were sleeping and I tried to rouse you.  You never really woke up enough to talk more than a few words. I helped move you in your bed, your feet were hanging off the end.  When I grabbed the sheet to move you, I realized how much weight you have lost.

So frail.

So tired.

So weak.

Back on track.

Sometimes, we venture off the path designed for us.  When we are in the middle of our lives, we have the opportunity to roam, we think there is always time to get back on track.  As we near the end, if we believe  God is in control of everything, and our days are truly known and numbered, those options must be minimized, we are drawn back to the course designated for us, hopefully with no regrets.

We start, we wander, we end.  Hopefully, we stay in touch with the designer enough to know our purpose and stay on course.

The times of reprieve are getting less.

Back on track.

I hate this.

Helpless, all we can do is watch and try to make you comfortable.  All efforts are truly temporary, no matter what we do, you are drawn to the same path, the same motions, possibly the same timing.

Back on track.

I'll see you again soon.

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